Ion adsorbent with high ion retention values, suitable for pre-treatment and coatings.
Bicarbonate complex preventive ion adsorbent with high calcium and iron retention properties.
Pre-demineralization material
Dye leveller for reactive dyes.
Non-oxidizing fixative for reactive dyed fabrics.
Fixative for reactive and direct dyed fabrics.
High-performance leveling agents used in the dyeing of polyester fabrics.
High-performance leveling and dispersing agents used in the dyeing of polyester fabrics.
High-performance dispersing agent used in the dyeing of polyester fabrics.
Buffering acid material used in the dyeing of polyset fabrics.
Acid material suitable for all softening processes.
Alkali for reactive dyeing.
Concentrated acidic reducing washing material.
Basic reducing washing material.
Acidic and neutral feather enzymes with anti-peroxide enzymes at every concentration.