As CFL Chemie Paint and Chemical Industry Trade Marketing Limited Company, we aim to be a leading company in sustainability management in our country and industry, in line with our sustainability values. We strive to conduct all our activities with this vision. Within the framework of our commitments to the UN Global Compact, Responsible Care, and Sustainable Development Goals, we commit to:
Manage our sustainability impacts and economic, social, and environmental responsibilities for our company and key stakeholders in priority areas we have defined, in accordance with legal requirements and international standards, Provide sustainable benefits to our stakeholders through innovative solutions, investments, and products,
Ensure that our business practices are in harmony with the planet and integrated with society for a better future, by taking necessary steps and approaching issues with collective wisdom,
Take an active role in combating climate change and reducing our carbon footprint,
Mobilize all our resources to implement action plans we have defined to achieve our sustainability goals,
Embrace a culture of sustainability with all our employees and keep all communication channels open,
Regularly evaluate, improve, and report on our goals and performance,
Focus on quality, efficiency, and excellence in our production processes,
Adhere to an inclusive and equitable business ethics that considers the well-being and happiness of all our stakeholders today and in the future,
Commit to sharing our sustainability report with our stakeholders on a biennial basis.